Working together to change the public story of social care

Following a successful joint meeting at the National Childrens and Adult Social Care Conference in Bournemouth, Anna Severwright from Social Care Future and Beverley Tarka, President of ADASS have written an article for The MJ News about plans to change the story of social care

At the National Children and Adults Social Care Conference in Bournemouth this week, #SocialCareFuture co-hosted an evening meeting in partnership with the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, the Local Government Association and the Social Care Institute for Excellence to explore how we and others in the field of social care can better align, coordinate and pool our efforts to shift the public story of social care.  It was a great session with real enthusiasm to act.  Beverly Tarka, President of ADASS announced that, following ADASS’s roadmap ‘Time to Act’, which emphasised the need to work on public attitudes, the organisation would now be ‘backing that up with energy and resources to start telling that story next year and to work with partners to build a more coherent movement to change public attitudes.’

Read more in this new co-authored piece by Anna Severwright and Beverley Tarka in the Municipal Services Journal

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