Next steps in fixing the ‘plumbing and wiring’ of adult social care

Find out what's happening next for our project to 'fix the plumbing and wiring of adult social care' and how you can get involved

Over the past 6 months we have brought hundreds of people together who draw on or work in the field of social care, and heard from many others to identify system, policy and practice barriers to the change we want and to explore possible solutions.  Here’s an overview of the learning so far.

We now want to go deeper into solutions and start negotiating action.  We need your help with finding the solutions so we can negotiate helpful change.  We have set up this simple on-line form to collect examples and ideas having looked at the report – you can fill in as much or as little as you like

After we have gathered and looked at the solutions we will be gathering people who draw on social care, with national bodies and organisations that can help use them – like the Care Quality Commission, Department of Health and Social Care, Association of Directors of Adult Social Services and others – in the autumn.  We aim to negotiate practical action that the new Time to Act Reform group of national social care leaders (including people who draw on support) can oversee.

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