Changing the world together

On 19 September 2024, change-makers from across England, all focused on growing a brighter future for social care, gathered in Manchester to share and learn from one another, and to build our collective power

#SocialCareFuture’s work is focused on three interlocking areas: changing the story of social care, bringing people together to co-create new pathways to a brighter future, and helping to grow the power and influence of those of us who draw on social care.  Our 2024 gathering, which took place in Manchester on 19th September focused on people power, gathering change-makers from across England to share, learn and explore how to build our power and influence over the future of adult social care.

Leighton Wise made this lovely film for us, which we think sums up beautifully what it feels like to be part of a #SocialCareFuture gathering and to be connected to the movement more generally.

In the coming weeks we’re going to building a new part of this site, focused specifically on growing people power, where we’ll add helpful resources and links, as well as stories about the change we’re all making in our own lives and communities.

Thank you to everyone who came along and made it such a special day and to our sponsors and supporters including:

The Lottery Community Fund, Mark Bates Ltd, Future Directions CIC, Imagine, Act Succeed, Kate Mercer Training, KeyRing Living Support Network, Options for Supported Living, Choice Support, Certitude, MacIntyre, Keyring and Think Local Act Personal.


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