Building public support for a brighter social care future in 5 easy reframes – quick read

Building public support for a brighter social care future in 5 easy reframes.

How those who care about the future of social care can help to win the change we all want to see by learning to reframe our messaging. 5 things you can start to do now:

1. It’s about people. 

Stop talking about the ‘social care sector’ as the focus of investment and instead talk about ‘our wellbeing’ and that of ‘people, families, and communities.’ Don’t talk about people drawing on support as a different class. Learn to use ‘we, us, our.’

2. It’s about living good lives.

Stop talking about ‘social care ‘ (no one understands the term). Talk about ‘support to live a great life’ (or support to live in the place we call home, with the people & things we love, doing what matters to us).

3. It’s an opportunity.

Stop talking about ‘crisis’ & impending doom. Talk instead about the opportunity to improve the lives of people, families, and communities, to create good jobs for the future & the infrastructure we all need to get on in our lives.

4. It’s about growing the good life.

Stop talking about ‘fixing’ the ‘social care system’. Talk about growing the local networks of support and relationships that permit us all to stay safe, well and to flourish throughout our lives.

5. It’s of increasing value and importance.

Stop talking about social care as an ‘escalating cost’. Centre on its growing value & importance to us all. Tell stories that bring this to life. More money is a means to these ends. It should not be ‘the story’.

These 5 easy reframes will help to change the way the public thinks and feels about social care. Social Care Future’s research with Equally Ours and Survation found that not only does this help shift mindsets about what social care is and its value, people also attach more importance to investment and reform after being presented with such messaging when compared with their default understanding. We can build public support for a brighter Social Care Future. Let’s get on with it.

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