Building Good Lives Together

Learning Disability England has been working with its members on Building Good Lives Together for the last couple of years.

Learning Disability England has been working with its members on Building Good Lives Together for the last couple of years. Together we are building a shared vision for a good life for all people with learning disabilities that is built on rights and positive action. Social Care Future is an important part of that and many members are getting in involved and championing the shared vision but there is also more detail on people’s priorities for removing some of the particular barriers people face Communication and Staying connected for example or The right to love and be loved.

Some of the action people want to see is longer term but there is a lot people can do now or are doing so we have started to gather the Good Lives Action collection – many positive examples of rights-based action happening to build Good Lives for people with a learning disability.

It is a growing collection that people are building on and adding to. It includes research, campaigns, reports, movements, guides and more. Can you share anything that is step towards Good Lives that you are proud of, think is making a difference or want others to get involved in?


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