Social Care Future hosted a series of blogs by Helen Sanderson about a new approach to recruitment that has values at its heart, pioneered by Wellbeing Teams. Wellbeing Teams are award winning for this approach to recruitment, winning the Guardian Public Service Award for HR and recruitment, the LaingBuison award for recruiters, and Skills for Care award for innovation in recruitment. To be honest though it’s not awards that really matter it’s getting brilliant support and that is what this series is about
In these blogs Helen goes into the detail of how they recruit in Wellbeing Teams, and what can be learned from this. Each blog is accompanied by reflections from a range of people interested and involved in workforce debates and action.
Helen is working with a large national provider to implement many of these ideas, and Skills for Care will be hosting a free webinar for people who want to learn more at the end of the series. The final blog includes tips to get started and put all or elements of this approach into practice where you are.
With thought it would be good to revisit these blogs, they focus on what seems to actually matter in getting the win win for people who draw on social care and workers – including ways of recruiting for values and broadening the search beyond traditional routes. They include coproduction in the process of recruiting and supporting people and radically different approaches to HR.
Here are the list of blogs and links to them: